List of piano makers
This is a partial list of piano manufacturers. Most piano professionals have access to detailed information about these brands using a Piano Atlas to reference serial numbers, which are used to determine a piano's age using the year a piano was built. This information is often used in piano appraisals.
- Aeolian (1868)
- Albrecht, Charles (1779)
- American Piano Company (1908)
- A. Mittag (Berlin, 1800)
- Astin Weight (Salt Lake City, 1959)
- Alexander Herrmann (Germany, 1803-1993)
- Babcock (Boston, 1810)
- August Förster
- Baldwin (1890)
- Christian Baumann (1740-1816) Zweibrücken,Germany
- Baumgardt Piano (1859) Stockholm, Sweden.
- Baus Piano Company
- Beale Piano (Sydney, 1893-1975)
- Bechstein Pianoforte Fabrik AG (1853)
- Behr Brothers Piano Company
- Bell (Canada)
- Bentley Piano Company
- Beulhoff
- Blüthner (1853)
- Bohemia Piano
- Bösendorfer (1828)
- Brødrene Hals (Oslo, 1847-1925)
- Boston (1991)
- Brinsmead (London, 1835)
- Broadwood and Sons (London, 1783)
- C. Burlman & Co.
- Cable and Sons (New York, 1852)
- Challen (1804)
- Chappell Pianos (London, 1811)
- Charles R. Walter (Elkhart, Indiana)
- Chas. S. Norris (Boston, circa 1930)
- Chickering and Sons (Boston, 1823)
- Chris Maene - Doutreligne (Ruiselede (BE), 1938)
- Cunningham Piano Company (Philadelphia, 1891)
- Currier Piano Co. (Marion, N. C., 1969)
- Clementi
- Danemann (London, 1893)
- Decker Brothers (New York, 1862)
- Eastman
- Edmund (British Columbia)
- Érard (Paris, 1777)
- Estey Piano Corp (1869)
- Estonia Piano Factory (1893)
- Fahr Albert (Zeitz, Germany 1887 - 1950)
- Falcone (1984)
- Fandrich & Sons
- Fazioli (1978)
- Feurich (1851)
- J.C. Fischer (New York, 1840)
- August Förster (1859)
- Francis Connor (New York, 1871)
- Gabler (New York, 1851)
- Gaveau (Paris, 1847)
- Generalmusic
- Glenz (Josef) (Breslau)
- Timothy Gilbert (Boston, 1827)
- Goetzmann (New York)
- Grotrian-Steinweg (1835)
- Haines Brothers (New York, 1832)
- Hallet, Davis & Co (Boston, 1835)
- Hansmann
- Hardman Peck (New York, 1842)
- Heintzman & Co. (Toronto, 1866)
- Hobart M. Cable (La Porte, IN1900)
- Hupfield (1880)
- Ibach (1794)
- Irmler (Leipzig/Poland)
- J. Erbe Eisenach (Germany, 1881)
- J. Strauss & Son (1925)
- Kawai (1930)
- Kemble (1911)
- Kimball (Chicago, 1857)
- Kirschner (New York)
- Knabe (Baltimore, 1837)
- Knight (1935)
- Kohler & Campbell (New York, 1896)
- Krakauer Bros (New York, 1869)
- Kranich & Bach (1864)
- Kurtzmann
- Albert W. Ladd & Company (Boston, 1838)
- Lesage (Quebec)
- Lindeman & Sons (New York, 1836)
- Leipziger Pianofortefabrik (1835)
- Ludwig & Company (St. Louis, 1895)
- Mammoth Piano (USA, 2010)
- Mason & Hamlin (Boston, 1854)
- Mason & Risch (Ontario)
- Mathushek (New York, 1852, 1879) (New Haven, 1866)
- Mendelsshon (Canada)
- Moore and Moore (London)
- Muir Wood & Co. (Edinburgh)
- Murdoch, McKillop & Co (Edinburgh)
- Joseph Newman (Baltimore 1829)
- Newman & Bros. (Baltimore 1842)
- Nordheimer (Canada)
- Pape (Paris, 1817)
- Obermann & Sohn
- Overs (Sydney)
- Perzina (1871)
- Petrof (1864)
- Petzold (Paris, 1806)
- Pfeiffer (Stuttgart, 1862)
- Prate (Canada)
- Pirsson (New York, 1829)
- Pleyel (Paris, 1807)
- QRS (1900)
- Quidoz (Quebec)
- Rainer (Canada)
- Reed & Sons (1842)
- Rubenstein (2005)
- Manuel Samaniego (died 1892, Madrid)
- Samick (1958)
- San Francisco Piano Co.
- Sauter (1819)
- Schiedmayer (1853)
- Schimmel (Germany, 1885)
- Scholze
- Schultz & Sons (1948)
- Schulze & Pollman
- Schweighofer (1792 - 1938)
- Seiler (1849)
- Sherlock-Manning (Ontario)
- Sherman Clay
- Shomacker Philadelphia, 1840s-
- Smith & Barnes
- F.G. Smith (New York, 1866)
- Sohmer & Co. (New York, 1872)
- Steck (New York, 1857)
- Steingraeber & Söhne (1852)
- Steinway & Sons (New York and Hamburg, Germany, 1853)
- Story & Clark (1884)
- Streicher (1802)
- Strich & Zeidler
- Stuart and Sons
- Suzuki Corporation
- Thürmer (1834)
- Uebel & Lechleiter (Heilbronn 1872-1987)
- Weber (New York, 1852)
- George Weber & son, John (Chicago, ? - 1917)
- Weber (Canada)
- Whelpdale, Maxwell & Codd (1876)
- George Wilkinson (London, 1811)
- Wilh. Steinberg (Germany, 1877)
- Willis & Co. (Quebec)
- Wornum (London, 1811)
- Wurlitzer (1856)
- Yamaha (1889)
- Young Chang (1956)
- Zimmermann (1884)
External links
See also
Piano portal |
Music portal |
United Piano Makers (New York, 18??) Lauter Piano Co., Newark, NJ (1862-1930) Allen Brook, London